Wednesday 3.27.2024

ok so i didn't get a chance to do this yesterday so ill do it today. so before school my friend gave me money for celsius but what i didn't realize was that someone took a bite out of it, so the vending machine didn't take it. so then they had a pi day thing for some god forsaken reason. y on the 27th? idk. and u had to go. idk y but they made us. so anyway i fucking hate math but i had to go during second block. my friend who gave me the half eaten money had it 1st block and i wanted to give it to him but i couldn't cuz he wanted smth from the thing. so anyway they were doing review games in apush and somehow no one understood that teadrinkers meant the british, but oh well. anyway i got pi dayed in 2nd block and js sat in the thing reading the manga the money cruncher got me into. anyway my friend that didn't invite me to their birthday party (i detail this more in some other entry im too lazy to find) sits next to me and that scares the shit out of me. anyway they get smth from the pi day shit and i told them to get the guy that gave me the money smth and give the decrepid money to them (they have lunch together and i dont) so anyway then i js start yappin about their ferret and they tell me about the party and are like idk if im allowed to invite u cuz there's a lot of ppl. and im js like ok ig im second rate. and idk how many times i said it but they didn't hear me so im js like fuck it it doesn't matter anyway. i mostly js feel left out and shitty cuz i thought we were friends, not best friends obvi, but pretty good friends, but ig not. it's like everyone except me. i was dead last on ur list. that's fucking amazing. so anyway i js go one pretending not give a shit (i was dead inside). idr third block. 4th block we saw gases w fancy rainbow glasses. i put the glasses over my phone camera and took some pics. after school i showed up at our nerdy af club for a bit, but my ex's existence hurts my soul, so me and my money hungry friend ditched. also i saw my ferret friend w a monster and i wanted one. we went to convienience store and i dipped out of savings cuz fuck saving. my dad paid off the mortgage, its not like imma b homeless. i made my poor friend carry all my shit and then he's talking about his bad knees and im js like wtf dude ill carry it if u got bad knees y tf u suffering and he's trying to macho man it and im js like fuck it do what u wanna do. anyway he's complaining that i walk too fast but like idc. anyway i got the pink and purple monster and a watermelon celsius, and i got him some sort of weird swedish fish and a cosmic brownie for his troubles (he was still macho manning and feeling bad that i bought it for him). also i hid a plastic duck in his hair it was so fucking funny watching him look for it. imma do it again at somepoint. anyway then it turned into him having to watch me do shitty gymnastics and make sure i didn't die. and i got stuck in a mf tree. then i had to do my apush shit.